Recent content by Shidub

  1. S

    character Looking for advice on establishing character trait.

    Well, as said I don’t expect it to be made beyond script, it’s fine really, partly doing it this way to learn the skill of writing a script. But also it’s a labor of love for it. I wanna do the story right by relocating it in my head. That said tho, I have tried to break it down to the...
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    character Looking for advice on establishing character trait.

    I like the first, it’s kinda a twist to the original source. Others could work too possibly. Thanks. In all honesty, this will prob never go beyond the writing stage, this is a labor of love, wanting to see an English version of the show, for legal reasons. But I still trying to see about...
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    character Looking for advice on establishing character trait.

    That’s a big part of the plot. She’s in the case time after time, trying to learn to adapt, stay true to herself, while realizing there are other ways and the world, specially this slice, is not so nice. No, but I will look it up, thanks for the suggestion!
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    Dipping my toe in.

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    character Looking for advice on establishing character trait.

    Basically she is one that is super gullible, falls for even obvious tricks, and would wait forever if someone said they would be right back.(this last bit will come up little later in script so don’t want to use that.
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    character Looking for advice on establishing character trait.

    I am working to adapt a series into a retelling/localization kinda thing(source is foreign). I have lots of this figured out but I cannot figure out how to show my main characters main trait. She is foolishly honest. This doesn’t really have to go into why she is, she just is. But this is the...
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    Dipping my toe in.

    Hello, I’m an amature script writer. Trying to get a feel for this and seeking some advice with current project.