Recent content by screamingpeach

  1. S

    Free music scoring for your films

    I understand your point, but...... To a great extent I do agree with you however, the cost of using a composer for hire is often prohibitively expensive for new filmmakers, especially students! I enjoy writing music, and I feel that I have what it takes to make a career out of it somewhere...
  2. S

    Free music scoring for your films

    Samplers Hi Will I have placed some samples of my work at the following link, it doesn't cover the full range of music I can provide but should give you an idea and let you decide if i can be of any use to you.
  3. S

    Free music scoring for your films

    Hi Over the next twelve months I plan to build up a CV which will help me move from making music as a hobby into commercial work. I can provide work that varies from very grand and orchestral to very minimal, in any style required (I have a large pool of musicians and free access to studio)...