Recent content by Scarecrow

  1. S

    music Favorite Active Film Composers?

    John Williams is by far the best living film composer. Even if he's not at his best, he's still better than all other composers. He is the only one left who holds a candle to the great composers of the golden age of cinema, who were completely influenced by classical music and that style should...
  2. S

    Ang Lee and 3D

    Yes, "2D" photochemical film can have an illusion of depth because film has physical layers and being an analogue format, the depth looks natural. I find that digital 3D has very defined layers and this simply looks like cardboard cut-outs one in front of another.
  3. S

    Ang Lee and 3D

    I've seen 3D and I prefer film. Nothing needed to change; What came before still amazes me. I have seen great depth from a strip of celluloid projected on the screen, creating the magical appearance of 3D. Does anybody miss film?
  4. S

    Top-Grossing directors all contemporary?

    I watch more old than new too, Buscando. I would share the sentiment that the olden times were the glory days of cinema.
  5. S

    Top-Grossing directors all contemporary?

    It is apparent that the studios don't like to show off the classics because they fear the public finds the old movies boring and want to see the current world in movies.
  6. S

    Top-Grossing directors all contemporary?

    A news article says Christopher Nolan has become one of the top 10 highest-grossing movie directors of all time... and I found it strange to see that not only the top 10, but atleast top 30 are directors of the modern era- Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Robert Zemeckis, James Cameron, to name...
  7. S

    editing Using Establishing Shots

    Speaking of transitions, that is the other way to start scenes, by connecting them to the previous scene in a clever or funny way. You would have to see alot of David Lean films because he was the master at this and also Steven Spielberg, who is influenced by Lean. But, I'll use neither of those...
  8. S

    editing Using Establishing Shots

    An interesting establishing shot may be an insert on a very small object. This is the opposite of the safe, conventional way of starting with a master or exterior of a building. e.g. In a scene of a game of chess, the first shot may be an insert on a chess piece being moved, while you hear the...
  9. S

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    I haven't, but sounds good to me. It's going in my queue.
  10. S

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    The Last movie I watched was Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941), 7/10, a film I'd heard of since I was young. I finally got around to seeing it, after waiting for it to be available in Netflix saved DVD queue for the past few months. (Yes, the DVD renting is still worth it to me.) Finally seeing it, I...
  11. S

    Is it true that screenwriting is an easy job?

    What makes it a hard job is that no matter how hard you work, it is very hard to judge your own writing and to know who to trust to critique it. No matter what, writers have to settle for their work because it could always be better.
  12. S

    CASTING CALL: Actress wanted for suspense short film.

    I am seeking an actress for a short suspense thriller film to be shot in Union County, NJ in fall 2017. Must be ages 25-45, attractive, and live in NJ with reliable transportation. Principal role with no lines, needed for one rehearsal day and one shooting day, TBD. Food and travel expenses...
  13. S

    How many people decide what movie they will see before attending the theater?

    I also worked at a movie theatre and I will agree that quite a few people show up and choose a movie on the spot. I would guess it is about 20%. They are either a loner or two people on a date. People also pick a movie on the spot when a) their first choice is sold out, b) they arrived late and...
  14. S

    How Long Should Actors Spend in Dedicated Training?

    I think you can never be fully prepared; You have to just jump into it. Of course you should study, make your reel, etc. but, even if you've tried to be totally ready, there will still be much to learn that you can only learn through actual experience. I also think that even your first paid gigs...
  15. S

    "Keep Dreaming" - a new Super 8 short film

    Thank you, Indietalk.