Recent content by robzilla

  1. R

    Sony EX1 Microphone

    Money 1500
  2. R

    Sony EX1 Microphone

    Recently I purchased a Sony EX1 camera and I'm looking for a good microphone for it now. I know absolutely nothing about audio so I thought I would ask for some advice or maybe some mic recommendations. I'll be shooting in nature quite often so picking up the sounds of birds, waterfalls, etc...
  3. R

    Camera Quality

    I want to purchase a camera that will produce the quality of images that are in the video below. I don't know much about film but I want to call it "cinema quality" like it came out of the theaters... I know they used a Sony to shoot the first video, but what type and what lenses I don't know...
  4. R

    Camera & Gear for Documentary Film?

    Sorry maybe Interviews wasn't the right word for what i want to do but short greeting and small talk conversation... is maybe what I'm trying to get at. Similar to this video
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    Camera & Gear for Documentary Film?

    Hello, All I'm looking to make a documentary film of my brother graduating High School and doing a Ironman Triathlon. I have a budget around $10,000 for all my gear (Camera, Lenses, Tripod, Mics, Stabilizers, etc...) but what to get? I've looked at so many products and have just got lost in the...
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    Looking for a certian sound.

    Do you know how i could re-create it? Im thinking it would be done with a Piano and just play one note then synthesize it, and in a video editor use a fade effect.?.?
  7. R

    Looking for a certian sound. (3:10) or I want to put a sound effect like this in my documentary, but i cant find where to get it. I have looked all over sound effect sites but no luck... Where can i get it so that it does not have the background music...