Recent content by roadrunner650

  1. R

    Two blind to ride

    We could really use your help in spreading the news on our indiegogo campaign. A tweet or a like can help us. What it's about: It's about two blind people tandem biking the Americas - from Argentina to Alaska! Along the way they'll stop at blind schools to share their adventure. campaign...
  2. R

    Canon 5d Mark ii or Canon 7d?

    I like the 5D much better than the 7D. 5D has manual audio levels. 7D you're stuck with AGC and No Magic lantern to fix it. Histogram in movie mode. 7D you have histogram in still mode which is annoying. Full frame on 5D. 7D has cropped view. The only advantage the 7D has is the 720p 60fps to do...
  3. R

    Is canon 5D/7D better camera than Panasonic HPX?

    There are advantages and disadvantages to using any of those cameras. I've shot with all three. HPX has sound advantage over the DSLRs. Running sound to the 7D is the worst as it has AGC. So you need to have a second sound system and use a clap board. You also can run video village to the HPX...