Recent content by rmac33

  1. R

    Sometimes I wish I had famous friends...

    I see a lot of these make it into festivals. Such bu*****t that a little bit of celebrity status will get your film noticed. I gets that's the way the world works though... sigh...
  2. R

    my short film poster

    Hey LDS, I agree with the others, but I think there are some things you can do to make it better. I assume you're using photoshop? Google "Horror Text Effects Photoshop" or something of that nature, you'll find heaps of great tutorials on a whole range of special effects. For the font down...
  3. R

    Favourite score?

    Hans Zimmer is incredible. He always gives me chills. The song "Time" from Inception. Oh. My. God.
  4. R

    The "Real" Major Tom?

    This is actually amazing.
  5. R

    Howdy From Austin, Texas

    exactly jschulze! welcome :)
  6. R

    Hobbit Trailer

    Yep, I know that feel. The Hobbit had like what, 20 acts? And all leading to what?
  7. R

    Unknown Talents

    I like the website layout :) what'd you use to make it?
  8. R

    Raising the stakes

    I think as long as the stakes still make the character desperate, they can be bigger. What could be cool is a reveal in the middle of the script, where it's revealed to the Protagonist that the stakes are bigger than he could have possibly imagined, putting him under even more pressure than...
  9. R

    Is 80 Pages too short for a horror screenplay?

    How heavy is the dialogue? Is it a found footage/documentary style?
  10. R

    Pros and cons of a degree

    Yep, that definitely resonates. The best thing about film school for me was the people I met -- others passionate about film. We skipped classes to work on our short films, and learnt more doing that than anything our school had to teach us.
  11. R

    Maggots, pigs, and sun-faced people. (Upstream Color)

    Haven't watched it, though I have some friends who liked it. Worth watching?
  12. R

    Question From The Resident Noob on Script Length

    eh. Terry Rossio supports it.
  13. R

    Breaking Bad Stolen Script

    Man you nearly got me.
  14. R


    Mouths on random things. That's pretty easy to green screen. Maybe watch an episode of Tim & Eric, lol.
  15. R

    Was Christ a Cyborg?

    haha excellent.