Recent content by pinoy172

  1. P

    Worst flick released in 2003 .... ?

    All the sequels, except X2 and ROTK. All the remakes. Mostly all the horror movies. Any movies involving Michael Bay. Cat in the Hat and many many many others. Hulk was actually good to me.
  2. P

    Directors? Movies?

    My fav directors are: Spielberg, Burton, Tarantino, Dante, Raimi, Romero, Ridley Scott, and a lot of others. I love alot of movies from The Toxic Avenger to Schindler's List. There's really too many to name
  3. P

    Looking for investors for several short films

    I'm looking for a few good investors who might be interested in a few short films from an aspiring film maker. If you have Aol Instant Messenger contact me at either pinoy1723 or FanboyProduction and/or on yahoo messenger at pinoy172. Thanks.
  4. P

    How to get superhero movies taken seriously & financing

    Well...I'm working on a short movie based on an established superhero for this contest but me and my friend are working on another movie that is based on one of his own creations that he independent distributes in comic shops and such...
  5. P

    How to get superhero movies taken seriously & financing

    :oops: Does anyone know how to a superhero movie idea taken serious by investors enough for them to invest??