Recent content by mthompsonfilms

  1. M

    Surreal Fantasy Film Idea (Opinions Requested)

    I've recently been interested in doing a low budget existential film with a lot of symbolism and meaning. Not necessarily any one meaning, mind you. Obviously any truly successful film can be interpreted a number of ways by many different people. Anyway, last night I hastily typed out the basic...
  2. M

    What is your odd hobby?

    Well, I spend an awful lot of time wallowing in self-pity if that counts.
  3. M

    I need a lot of help.

    Thanks for the advice. I understand that a first script will not be a masterpiece. When I look back through some of the features I've abandoned, or short films I've written, I just literally cannot believe that I thought they were worth anything. Concept-wise they were good, but sometimes I am...
  4. M

    I need a lot of help.

    Thank you Dready. Sometimes when I think of an idea for a film that I can actually think of a beginning, middle, and end I do a stream of consciousness type thing and write up a one page synopsis, then go back and edit it later. Unfortunately, I haven't even gotten that far with this project...
  5. M

    I need a lot of help.

    Okay, so I have been writing screenplays since I was 15 (meaning 3 years). I know, basically, how to write and some of my scripts are actually pretty good. But so far all I've written are short films. I actually filmed one and it turned out okay for something shot in ~5 hours for $0.00. I've...
  6. M

    Bad Motherf*cker by Biting Elbows

    Hello all. I'm sorry if a thread on this has been started but I'd just like to bring your attention to an incredible music video that honestly sort of transcends its medium. The song is Bad Motherfucker by Biting Elbows, a Russian thrash band. The front man of the...
  7. M

    Concept Help

    Ooh, while I can't help with the Wilson-esque companion thing, I can offer advice on a humorous mistake a lot of inexperienced outdoorsmen make, or almost make before being corrected by someone. You see, I go backpacking and hiking a lot, so I like to think I sort of know a little bit about what...
  8. M

    Concept Idea

    Sounds interesting. You ought to just call it "STAY IN YOUR HOME."
  9. M

    Will audiences hate my hero in this case?

    I always enjoy when stories show the harmful results of a hero's actions. It's the moral ambiguity of it. Innocent people certainly would be hurt in a situation like that. Collateral damage happens. I think it'd be neat to show that your protagonist's carelessness hurts people. Actually, I'm...
  10. M

    50k Budget

    Christopher Nolan's first feature, Following, was made for around $6,000 USD and is a fantastic film that launched him on a very successful career. Since I am incredibly inexperienced I can hardly offer any practical advice, but I thought that knowledge might inspire/motivate you...
  11. M

    Need some help with short film script

    I, too, found the line "I love you Dylan" a bit distracting. Actually, I sorta laughed out loud at it... Could be an Australian thing, I don't know. Overall, though, it is a vast improvement and I really enjoyed it compared to the original version. I really don't have much to say besides that...
  12. M

    Need a trickle of advice...

    Wow, thanks a lot Alex. I really appreciate the in-depthness of that. Your comments have been really helpful and I appreciate it a lot. I was conscious of the whole "the scavenger as opposed to Scavenger" thing, but that's just how I prefer to write unnamed characters who are important...
  13. M

    Need a trickle of advice...

    Thanks! I guess if this doesn't work I might have to settle for actually paying someone off Craigslist or something.
  14. M

    Need a trickle of advice...

    Well, really I think that my problem is I have no female friends who like acting particularly much. The ones that are experienced actresses are... How do I put this? Prudish, I guess, so I haven't bothered asking most of them. I'm pretty sure I pitch it well enough, but perhaps I put too much...
  15. M

    Need a trickle of advice...

    Thank you, knightly. I know the "he does this, she does this" stuff is one of the things I need to work on in my writing. I don't know, I guess because it's something I've done since I started it's just hard to stop. I suppose it's going to take a bit of training lol. And you may just be able...