Recent content by little_fil

  1. L

    watch Redemption-The Final Trailer

    im just curious, has it all been colour corrected? coz i wouldn't say it has, although it gives a feel of warmth i believe.
  2. L

    watch HEX - 12 hour project

    This is a website explaining the storyline and the ride : click here
  3. L

    watch HEX - 12 hour project

    HEX - 12 hour video project (wmv) I made this short for the ride at Alton Towers in the UK called HEX. The actual ride itself shows a video explaining the storyline deeper, but i wanted to create a short to experiment with the depth of field with my camera, plus, to see what i could come up...
  4. L

    watch 'SLL' - 2 min informercial (one minute everything can be great, the next..nothing)

    I didnt make a dummy, it was all done in After Effects, i wrote how it was done in the Indie Forum on the "Hitting someone with a car" thread. Cheers guys, glad you like it, better one will be made soon, maybe with a train or bus...........milk float?
  5. L

    watch 'SLL' - 2 min informercial (one minute everything can be great, the next..nothing)

    SLL - sorry, no longer hosted - here is a production logo I made 7 months ago - currently working on 3D Version - PP [ Play ]
  6. L

    Hitting someone with a car

    Heres the short i made including a guy gettin hit by a car. Its about 2 and a half mins and in wmv. Go to HERE The quality isn't very good but it's the only way i could get it on the net and to stream nicely. Raw Dv looks very realistic and nice. Check It
  7. L

    Hitting someone with a car

    I Have The Answer You Have Been Looking For Ive made an infomercial about crossing the road and have done this. It looks so real that when people have seen it they have gasped becuase of it's realism. What to do......................................................... Shoot your man walking...