Recent content by ladlon

  1. L

    Laer Digital Works (FX, Animation, etc)

    It was a surprisingly good cartoon series, which many people liked. The story apparently is, Tim Burton originally wanted the whole show CG, but it simply couldn't be done within the budget, so they did short CG segments (usually as ads playing in the show). We were cranking them out in about...
  2. L

    Laer Digital Works (FX, Animation, etc)

    Seems to be a lot of people with cockatiels out there! She's my first, and ya, quite a character!
  3. L

    Laer Digital Works (FX, Animation, etc)

    Hello, Ernest! Wow, it doesn't take long to get replies/comments here!
  4. L

    Laer Digital Works (FX, Animation, etc)

    Thanks, Bird! I'm kind of 'old school' in my ways. Even though I've been doing this for quite a while, I've been independent for most of my career, so not really going with the industry's ways. Just kind of attack things my own (self-taught) ways, and try and find the most cost-effective way...
  5. L

    Laer Digital Works (FX, Animation, etc)

    Hi, my name is Larry Adlon, and I've been a visual effects /animation artist for over 20 years. Several years ago, I broke from the fx houses I was working at, and formed my own company, Laer Digital Works. I am here to bring digital visual effects and animation within the budgets of...
  6. L

    Quality FX/Animation (Independent friendly!)

    Hi, my name is Larry Adlon, and I've been a visual effects /animation artist for over 20 years. Several years ago, I broke from the fx houses I was working at, and formed my own company, Laer Digital Works. I am here to bring digital visual effects and animation within the budgets of...