
Favorite Film(s)
So many to choose. My 5 favourite films are Blade Runner (1982), Apocalypse Noe (1979), Derzu Uzala (1975), The Big Lebowski (1998) some of my other favourite fllms are: Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Almost Famous, Terminator 2, Commando, Schindlers list, SE7EN, Fight Club, A Man Without a Past, The Killer, Spirited Away, Apocalypse Now, Leon, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, The Searchers, The Shawsank Redemption, The Modern Times, The Dictator, Monsters inc., The Roaring Twenties, White Heat, Spinal Tap, Platoon, One flew Over a Cuckoos Nest, The Treasure of Sierra Madre, Annie Hall, Angels With Dirty Faces, Brokeback Mountain, My Fair Lady, Amadeus, Jurassic Park, Patton, Vertigo, Rio Bravo, On The Waterfront, The Departed, Amelie, Edward Scissorhands, Terminator, Scarface, In Mood for Love, Fear Eats The Soul, La Strada, The Dark Knight, Black Swan, Never Let Me Go.
Favorite Director(s)
Again so many. My favourite director is Akira Kurosawa. After him Martin Scorsese, Sergio Leone, Aki Kaurismäki. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Quentin Tarantino, Oliver Stone, John Ford, Clint Eastwood, Anthony Mann, Stanley Kubrick, The Coen brothers, David Fincher, Billy Wilder, Alfred Hitchcock, Charlie Chaplin, Ridley Scott, Kar-Wai Wong and John Woo.


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