Recent content by kinosight

  1. kinosight


    Will do. Hopefully I'll be sending out footage to you and audio to my sound guy for the Black Cat special this weekend. If you could pm me with your contact info so that I know where to send it that would be fantastic. Thanks, Katie
  2. kinosight


    Ok, so I've looked at both of your works. Lawrence, if you could even send me (or post) a clip of your doc that would be much appreciated. Your short was entertaining but I would like a glimpse at what you do with doc work as well. Now the question is to directorik and Lawrence, which of these...
  3. kinosight


    When I said " if we" I meant if you and I worked together on it. I'll take a look at your work in the morning but it sounds like you've got plenty of experience to make this into a great piece. I already have some planning meeting footage and am getting some fund raising footage this weekend. If...
  4. kinosight


    Thanks, couldn't find the place to put it.
  5. kinosight


    Your Long Distance experience etc Sounds great, I'd love to see the youtube vids. I don't think I'd have to send footage over from Haiti because we won't be there for much longer than a week, but maybe, who knows. Either way if we did the Haiti doc I would be sending most of the footage via the...
  6. kinosight


    I'm looking for editors. I need someone to edit a news spot I'm working on for the Black Cat rock club in DC and I'm also looking for another editor for a documentary I'm shooting on our relief project in Haiti in march (which I already have footage for because I'm starting with our prep...
  7. kinosight

    Wanted: Editor for Haiti Documentary

    This is a great credit opportunity but is unfortunately little to no pay. I'm going to be filming a documentary (/ I have already started) on a group of students from my college going to Haiti for relief. The documentary will cover everything from conception of the group, planning, fundraising...
  8. kinosight

    Kinosight Films - A filmmaker in progress

    Hey guys, check out the website! New posted shorts, photo gallery, production updates, the works. In the market for internships in the DC metro area this summer, PM me with any comments or interest. Thanks very much, Katie
  9. kinosight

    Just made my first site, suggestions?

    I just re-published it. Works fine for me, maybe it was a weebly glitch. Either way should be up and running for you guys again. Let me know if you still have issues. PS: also started a blog style news feed, positive addition or no?
  10. kinosight

    Best Way to Removie Excess Noise?

    It's in a one room cafe, before opening though. No other vocals, mostly just buzzing. I'll check out what pro software I have available in our labs back at school in about a week, right now there's only free software on my laptop and it's buggy. Thanks a bunch guys.
  11. kinosight

    Best Way to Removie Excess Noise?

    I've got a rough cut of a short I'm producing independently, doing all of my own editing etc (cant afford a production team yet). There's some excess background noise and white noise I'd like to get rid of while retaining as much of the speakers' vocals as possible. Any suggestions for best...
  12. kinosight

    Just made my first site, suggestions?

    Thanks a bunch for the comments. Fixed the first page, working on a possible way of shrinking the banner, but did change it to a photo that is a bit less intimidating. Very helpful, thanks again.
  13. kinosight

    I'm Here!

    TheBuck: You can have plenty from me for now, but try to take advantage asap, cause I'm facing national flights and classes again starting Monday. Uranium City: cute. :D
  14. kinosight

    I'm Here!

    You all may not know it, but you've been waiting for my awesome energy to arrive, and I've been waiting for your companionship, help, advice, and brilliant conversation. My name is Katherine Zukauskas and I'm a second year cinematography student. You can look me up at
  15. kinosight

    Just made my first site, suggestions?

    I just created my first site featuring me as a filmmaker at Hoping to get some pointers on what could make things more clear or more interesting. Also it doesn't show up in my google searches even when I search my full name or kinosight films, any way to start getting...