Recent content by KBish

  1. K

    Homework help

    That's what I was wondering, while it is passing off something of your own that was written by someone else, it wouldn't show up on any plagiarism software if it was written to order, like these seem to be. Playing devil's advocate here, but I kind of feel that if you've been to all the classes...
  2. K

    Homework help

    I was helping my nephew with his homework last night and we were googling to find some information and this kind of thing kept popping up and it got us talking. I knew that people often got other people to do their assignments for them, that used to happen when I was in...
  3. K

    David Lowery (Cracker etc) on File-Sharing

    It's interesting what he says about the younger generation expecting to get things for free. I think this isn't something that's limited to the younger generation, or to music and films, it's an increasing trend. Ask any writer how many times they've been asked to write something for free, or...
  4. K

    Tarantino very, very depressed :(

    It does sound a bit like he's throwing his toys out the pram though. He must know there's a risk of this happening, and why cancel it completely? Looks like he'd already had second thoughts and is blaming this, in my opinion. I also hate it when people refer to themselves as 'very, very...
  5. K

    Website question

    Can't you go into your user control panel and edit your details? Although I'm new here too so what do I know. Also, I wouldn't have even noticed your user name but now you've pointed it out it's all i can see . You're welcome :)
  6. K

    8 year old dies saving 6 people from fire

    Wow, he deserves more of a mention than this. That was so brave, he was more barve in his 8 years than I've ever been.