Recent content by JWilko5588

  1. J

    Canon 814 Auto Zoom vs XL-S

    Hey all, I'm seriously looking to get my hands on an 8mm and was hoping someone could help me out. The model i'm looking most seriously at is the Canon 814(xl-s). So...What is the real difference between the Canon 814 Auto Zoom and the Canon 814 XL-S? Any info/preferences/experiences...
  2. J

    Lighting and flat space

    nice, thanks for the quick response. What kind of DoF does a telephoto lens have? Could that be another alternative? Edit: also, won't the zoom technique kill pic quality (assuming that it's going past optical into digital)?
  3. J

    Lighting and flat space

    Hey all, i'm working on a class assignment, really my first time controlling all aspects of production. I've got a couple (pretty simple) questions, hopefully someone has some answers. 1. How exactly does one go about lighting outside during the day. How do the different lights mix, will the...