Recent content by Jonestown Bomber

  1. Jonestown Bomber

    Young Artist

    Hey Artist, Yeah I would have used it myself but I thought someone else already claimed it.
  2. Jonestown Bomber

    Wazzup? From Arkansas!

    Hi from a fellow southerner.
  3. Jonestown Bomber

    Hello from N.O.

    Wow.This is the highest number of welcomes I've ever gotten on a messageboard.Thanks guys.
  4. Jonestown Bomber

    Fight Club?

    I thought the twist was the best part.When I re-watched the film I began to think about project mayhem and how they were following this mentally ill anarchist.Them following Tyler showed how their piteous nature turned them subservient under a stronger personality.That to me was venerating.
  5. Jonestown Bomber

    Flood Streets (Film)

    I'm an intern on the film Flood Streets right now its in the marketing stages and making the rounds through the festivals.I'm posting a few links to the films website, facebook, twitter, and youtube.If you have the time check out the site,trailer, and become a follower on twitter.Thanks...
  6. Jonestown Bomber

    In need of a good movie :)

    I Sell The Dead Nosferatu Sukiyaki Western Django Amer Exit Through The Gift Shop M (1931) Manic 2081 (Short Film) The Cat With Hands (Short Film) Ted Parmelee's Tell Tale Heart I Saw The Devil Wristcutters: A Love Story Rashomon Right At Your Door eXistenZ Outcast (2010) Rhinoceros Eyes...
  7. Jonestown Bomber

    Hello from N.O.

    New Orleans,LA
  8. Jonestown Bomber

    Hello from N.O.

    Hey guys,I'm really excited about joining the indietalk community and can't wait to get started on the boards and getting to know everyone.