Recent content by JJackman

  1. J

    Could I have a budget this low for this type of movie?

    Can you? Should you? Yes you can if you know what you are doing. You can even make a horror movie that makes money. But the tenor of the question and thread suggests that you don't know enough to spend the $$ wisely. Is it really a good idea to just throw away $85K of Daddy's money? To...
  2. J


    Rip off. Stay away.
  3. J

    Lighting for a Bonfire

    You don't need a camera with low light capability. You need light. Night shots must be LIT, use flicker dimmer and orange/amber gels for key light from fire, with blue gelled backlight to simulate moon. Real moon isn't enough light to consider. It's all fake. Whole chapter on this in my...
  4. J

    Why do most 'indie'/low budget films fall down?

    Talent, not tools The idea of spending 1/3 of a $10K budget on a camera makes my teeth hurt. Classic "marketing victim" trap. Spend your money on an experienced DP, a great DP can take a consumer video camera and create beautiful images that will knock your eye out. Saw Allen Daviau do it...