Jade R

Jade Robbins
Writer, Director, Editor
Favorite Film(s)
Memento, Fight Club, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, District 9, Donnie Darko, Mr. Nobody, Drive, Django Unchained, Requiem For a Dream, Forrest Gump, Gattaca, The Prestige, True Grit, Inception, Kick-Ass, Whiplash, Goodfellas, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Incredibles, Rambo, The Dark Knight, Amadeus, Enemy, The Green Mile, Blade Runner, The Impossible, The Machinist, Gran Torino, Cheap Thrills, Hot Fuzz, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Moon, Blood Diamond, Tropic Thunder, Spirited Away, The Simpsons Movie, Boyhood, Rush, The Social Network, Snowpiercer, Pulp Fiction, Wall-E, 127 Hours, The Grey, Black Swan, Guardians of the Galaxy, Serenity, Fargo, Cast Away, Casino Royale, Spaceballs, The Wolf of Wall Street, Apocalypse Now, Watchmen, A Christmas Story, Gone Girl, The Big Lebowski, Interstellar, Rango, The Cabin in the Woods, Minority Report, Limitless, V for Vendetta, The Raid 2, Kon-Tiki, and many, many more!
Favorite Director(s)
Christopher Nolan, David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, Nicolas Winding-Refn, Robert Zemeckis, Denis Villeneuve, Darren Aronofsky, Ridley Scott, Danny Boyle, and Martin Scorsese.


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