Recent content by indierochester

  1. I

    "Donna's Room" Festival update

    Thanks, Clive! I'm hoping so, too! ;) ~ Stephen
  2. I

    "Donna's Room" Festival update

    I'm extremely proud to announce that my short film, "Donna's Room" is an Official Selection of the 2005 Rochester International Film Festival. There were over 1000 submissions this year, and "Donna's Room" is one of 21 films that will be playing. We're scheduled for the opening night of the...
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    watch Donna's Room trailer

    John, Thanks! Yes, we did strike gold with our lead actress. She has appeared, in some fashion, in every production we've done. She's our ace in the hole. She started off auditioning for a small role in our feature, and we knew right away how good she was. After that, she kept taking small...
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    watch Check out my self-promo short

    Very well done!! I dug everything... the lighting, the framing, the sound. The whole thing is great. I nice "calling card of your talent. If you don't mind my asking, what did you shoot it on? ~ Stephen
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    watch Donna's Room trailer

    Vegas, I know what you mean... you get some wacky results on different monitors, too. We held the cast/crew screening of "Donna's Room" last night, and it was an overwhelming success. Everyone really seemed to dig the flick, which means a lot. People put in a lot of time and effort for very...
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    watch Donna's Room trailer

    Zensteve, Thank you for checking it out!! Actually, we REALLY lucked out with that basement. It's an old industrial building that is being renevated into different office spaces, and that was only half of the basement. The other half was CRAMMED with all manner of crap! It was a great...
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    What would u like to see adapted as a movie?

    Just for fun, I've been adapting the first series of "Robotech" into a screenplay. It's my dream to write and direct a big screen adaptation of it. I think it would just translate so well onto film! ~ Stephen
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    "Donna's Room" DVD

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know that the DVD of our latest short, "Donna's Room", is now available. It's $10, plus $2 shipping, and it contains: "Donna's Room" (18 minutes) Directors' Commentary Internet Trailer Audition Footage Rehearsal Footage "Anatomy of a Scene" Featurette...
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    watch Catwoman Short Film - First Look

    True, but fanfilms are often treated differently. Infringement is infringement is infringement... but most of the creators of fanfilms aren't getting slapped with Cease and Desist orders, are they? As long as they're not trying to profit, a blind eye is more often than not turned on the...
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    watch Catwoman Short Film - First Look

    A fanfilm is exactly what it sounds like... a film created by a fan of some sort of pre-existing property... Some make fanfilms from comic characters, others use films (such as Star Wars or Star Trek) as the basis of their films. The legal implications are simple: it's copyright infringement if...
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    Animated Logo idea... need help.

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to spice up our logo for Independent Horizon Films, but I'm not an animator and this stuff is beyond my skills... Here's a link to our website: The logo is at the top of the page in that banner. Normally, the logo text is white and the...
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    watch Donna's Room trailer

    Will, The white background will definitely wash it out... Poke, Sorry about the audio. It was cleaned up for the actual film. ~ Stephen
  13. I

    watch Mustache Montage

    So freakin' simple.... yet so damn funny... Nice work!! That had me in tears! Can't wait for the next episode! ~ Stephen
  14. I

    watch Catwoman Short Film - First Look

    Plus, for anyone who's seen the fanfilm trailer "Grayson", about Dick Grayson, aka Robin, investigating Batman's murder... that fanfilm got the director an agent and a development deal. (I'm friends with his cousin). So, even though you can't market a fanfilm, it can certainly get you noticed...
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    watch Animated Conversations - My "Interview" with Quentin Tarantino

    Brent, I dug this one even more than "Trina". When you had QT talking about shooting a cool plane scene, and he was going nuts and elevated over his chair, I was dying! Well done! ~ Stephen