Recent content by indiefilmcritic

  1. I

    Real Independent Films

    For your information ' serious filmmakers' Regarding my post.... most of us in the industry would not come aboard and list our real names, because most of you can't read, or read between the lines, someone has asked me to post my credentials. Appears as arrogant young sarcasm instead of...
  2. I

    Real Independent Films

    Hello, New member and I wanted to get right to the point. There are a lot of filmmakers here, that's good. However...many are following the same old blueprints, even creative ideas of "other" indy filmmakers. There are so many books, so much advice and the so called experts telling you how to...
  3. I

    What is the best way to distribute the Indie movies ?

    Hello, I am a new member, many years in the film industry. You need to make a killer "film trailer" put it up on Vimeo ( pro-account) ( No I do not work for them) and join groups, charge a reasonable price to watch....not too cheap either or people will think your film is not watchable. Bottom...