Recent content by iMountainUK

  1. I

    Composer needed

    I just read your post and I'm very interested. I love creating atmospherics using sound as well as music, so i would be greatly interested in working with you, as you said you feel the film needs an ambient background. Here's some information on myself: I am a musical composer and sound...
  2. I

    Urgent - Sound FX/Composer needed to finish film - please help

    I would love to help. I mainly write music but can help with sound design also. Check out some of my examples of my work at:
  3. I

    Composer Looking For Work!

    Hey! Firstly, here is some of my work (Music to mainstream videos, to show what I am capable of) I've been writing and studying music for about 6 years, and have recently begun studying music to moving image. If anyone would require some music for their...
  4. I

    COMPOSER needed for short 1 minute animation

    Hey! I'm very interested in this. I watch and read a lot of mythology myself, so this may help when writing the right music for your film. Your piece also sounds very emotional, which I love to write music around. Anyway, check out some of my work at