Recent content by horse

  1. horse

    watch Baby's Diamonds (short surreal comedy sketch)

    Haha I believe you are correct, sir.
  2. horse

    watch Baby's Diamonds (short surreal comedy sketch)

    What you are about to see is a dark, surreal, comically homo- erotic sketch that a friend and I made. I have very limited resources when it comes to film making, so this is a very low tech project. Another friend asked me exactly what this is supposed to be, which forced me to try to analyze...
  3. horse

    watch The sad tale of Squid Boy

    Hilarious, well done!
  4. horse

    Oh, HI Indietalk!

    Oh, hi Denny.
  5. horse

    watch The Force Awakens Needs Jar Jar!

    Hello folks, I've taken a joke to the next level by creating a petition and a video to promote the petition. It's all about the Jar Jar! So watch the video and sign the petition! The Force Awakens NEEDS Jar Jar!:
  6. horse

    watch My new character

    Thanks for watching, guys! And yes there will be plenty of fake beard adjusting in the short film. Only the cheapest props will do in my videos. Also my eyes are watering because i was crying from laughter in between takes. Hard at work on my new short film featuring Robert.
  7. horse

    watch My new character

    Hey guys! I recently created a new character named Robert. I have done two videos now with him speaking to the camera,and now I'd like to integrate him into a short film. Tell me what you guys think! Hard Boiled Eggs!:
  8. horse

    watch Master Ninja Volume 2

    Yes sir I agree that the music is a bit loud.
  9. horse

    watch Master Ninja Volume 2

    You may notice a recurring theme of nothing actually being taught in this series, which may be frustrating to the avid ninja disciples.
  10. horse

    watch Master Ninja Volume 2

    Greetings my fellow filmmaking enthusiasts. I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that Master Ninja Volume 2 is now available to watch. The bad news is Master Ninja Volume 2 is now available to watch. Let me know what you think! Master Ninja Volume 2: Spirit Animals...
  11. horse

    watch Master Ninja (comedy)

    Cool, that means a lot coming from you, sir! Thanks for watching.
  12. horse

    watch Master Ninja (comedy)

    Part 2 is in the works despite lack of interest. My sincere thanks to all who viewed the video.
  13. horse

    watch Space Pilots - "Standard Space Battle" (Sci-Fi Comedy)

    Your videos rule, dude.
  14. horse

    watch Master Ninja (comedy)

    Thanks guy glad you enjoyed it.
  15. horse

    watch Master Ninja (comedy)

    Here is my latest video, it may be my best to date. The sound isn't great but i think the content makes up for it. Let me know what you think. Introduction to Master Ninja: