Recent content by epnu

  1. E

    Composer here... Hi everyone!

    Welcome. :) Kontakt is the bomb, there are some great quality libraries to download even for free...
  2. E

    Can someone please explain this?

    You can actually "play" a vinyl record by forming a tube from a sheet of paper, look it up. Though, I wouldn't advise it because the sound quality is really horrible and you could damage the grooves. Just get a decent record player. I'm saving up for some dj cartridges to start mixing vinyl...
  3. E

    Good cheap Sony NP-F type batteries and chargers - any reccomendations?

    Hello, I have a Yongnuo YN-216 LED light and I need to buy some NP-F batteries and a charger. As the title suggests, I've looked them up on ebay and heard that people were saying good things about Patona batteries, and seeing as it's a company in Germany I think I should be ok. Don't know how...
  4. E

    music Favorite Active Film Composers?

    Apart from Hans Zimmer (loved The Dark Knight music!), I like work from Ryuichi Sakamoto (actually didn't know he did film scores until I watched The Revenant), Brian Reitzell (he did the music on Hannibal TV series, and Jon Ehrlich and Jason Derlatka (both did the sounds for House MD) and yes...
  5. E

    Hello from Croatia!

    Thank you :)
  6. E

    Hello from Croatia!

    Thank you! Now to get my post count up haha :g
  7. E


    Hello! I am interested in being a Youtuber myself but I feel that it's a bit too early because I don't really have a huge amount of knowledge to add but, will probably do it next year. Good luck :)
  8. E

    Hello from Croatia!

    Hey fellow members, I've been interested in filmmaking for a long time now and especially in cinematography. I'm 20 y.o. and a student (graphics design). I also make electronic music (mostly dub/dubstep - the UK variety). I've been lurking from time to time on here so finally decided to join...