Recent content by David-MovieInsure

  1. David-MovieInsure

    Piggybacking off the insured

    Piggy-backing Most of you have the (internal) feeling that "piggybacking" is not a good practice for so many reasons. Go with this feeling - I will list out a few reasons here #1 - transacting insurance without a license is not legal #2 - the person who is prostituting their policy is...
  2. David-MovieInsure

    film production insurance

    thanks! I certainly plan to :) Dave
  3. David-MovieInsure

    film production insurance

    Hello, My name is David and I have been insuring filmmakers for over 14 years. I specialize in low budget indies. I like to say that I have heard and seen it all, but everyday I am presented new and exciting challenges. I love my work and I love my clients. I am easily found...