Recent content by DarrenM

  1. D

    Public Grants vs. Private Investment

    I'm in a similar boat as you. I'm flat broke and am working on a film with a budget of around $30,000. I've personally raised enough money to complete production and am working on a deal that would finalize the remaining $6,000 for post-production. Filming on my documentary is complete and I'm...
  2. D

    Hellp production phase finally complete

    Check out my newest film 'Hellp', a documentary on post-Katrina New Orleans. WWW.HELLPMOVIE.COM
  3. D

    As anyone got anything on the 'Internet Movie Database'?

    I'm on th IMDB because I donated money to the 1 second film. Although, I should have more credits added soon. My directoral debut film, Hellp, has just finished the production phase and will have a final cut by mid December. Hellp is a money pit and if a movie with a budget of $83 bucks can...