
C. Remy Evans-Wong
Favorite Film(s)
I'm not gonna name them all but I'll name a few off the top of my head:
-Forrest Gump
-Rear Window
-The Shining

These movies really have a big impact on my style and preference of movies, but I have a lot more favorite movies that I don't mention.
Favorite Director(s)
This is a hard one for me because every director I like has a different style or has something different to bring to the table, which is great if they can execute what they're bringing to the table. But to name a couple, my favorites would have to be:
-Alfred Hitchcock
-Steven Spielberg

Right now I'm sort of brain dead but those two always delivered great movies, but Spielberg always adds some flaws in his films.
There are just too many great directors that I look up to.


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