Recent content by bydavidrosen

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    watch CG Animated Music Video

    Thank you! Glad you liked it and hope you enjoy more of my music. I'm really excited to release this new album. :-)
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    watch CG Animated Music Video

    Hey Everyone, I'm extremely proud to show my new music video "Butterfly" which was beautifully animated by visual effects artist Tobias Steiner. This track is from my upcoming 3rd album Head Like Fire. It's an ambient electronica track on an album that blends many genres including electronica...
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    How To Ruin Your Career & Bring Down The Music Industry (Article)

    Yea Mike's point is definitely a good one. Really when it comes down to it, I could boil it all down to I just get annoyed when people act all high and mighty and try to make it sound like it's a totally black & white issue. When they say there is NEVER a reason to work for free. Ugh. It's like...
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    How To Ruin Your Career & Bring Down The Music Industry (Article)

    I'm a composer for film (which if anyone is looking for music, keep me in mind... you can check out my reel and samples at /endplug)... I've been arguing about this article (and other similar articles) with my composer friends a lot lately... I've been meaning to get...