Recent content by Benny Wollin

  1. Benny Wollin

    archived-videos Switzerland - France / Amsterdam

    I was really hoping to see a Balrog at about 2:05.... :)
  2. Benny Wollin

    Sci-Fi Romance Idea

    Dang. I really dig some of the suggestions here. The combination of sci-fi and psychological thriller type stuff sounds wonderful. Please keep us updated if this project takes solid form.
  3. Benny Wollin

    [Dec 10] What are you working on this week?

    Reading manuals for synthesizers and practicing sound design. Lots and lots of networking, looking for gigs.
  4. Benny Wollin

    Composer from Wisconsin

    Thanks richy!
  5. Benny Wollin

    Composer from Wisconsin

    I recently completely rescored a short film to show some work writing sync:
  6. Benny Wollin

    archived-videos Rescoring Big Buck Bunny - work in progress

    Finished it! View the full video on this thread:
  7. Benny Wollin

    archived-videos Big Buck Bunny - Full Audio Makeover

    Hi! I just finished completely redoing the audio (music, sound design, foley) for the 2008 animated short Big Buck Bunny. I resisted the temptation to watch/listen to the original while I was working, to keep my work independent. Yesterday I watched them back to back and I have to say, it's a...
  8. Benny Wollin

    music The strength of music

    This is a valid point. An analogy to architecture works quite well. There are a LOT of rules and conventions about writing music, and they're important (like the structure of a building). But ultimately, what matters more than the building not falling over is how it feels/works. And that can't...
  9. Benny Wollin

    archived-videos Trailer for My Upcoming Short Film

    Lovely sound design - the shift from room ambience to weird reverb world is great.
  10. Benny Wollin


  11. Benny Wollin

    archived-videos THE WHISTLE 2 - horror short film

    Soundtrack is definitely better in this one. I feel like it would be helpful if there was more of a transition from normal life to horror. It's the intrusion of monsters/violence/fear on things we consider safe and innocent (home, children, toys) that makes horror effective, in my opinion. It's...
  12. Benny Wollin

    New member and capabilities

  13. Benny Wollin

    archived-videos "You Have Arrived" | Horror Short Film

    It works. I was slightly confused as to what happened - it seems that the creature in the woods took on Chris's body? And it probably somehow controlled their GPS? In terms of taking over his body, I feel like a way to cue in the audience would be a flash of red light in his eyes (like right...
  14. Benny Wollin

    sound-gear best microphone?

    Dang, Alcove. You always have such thorough answers. Thanks for sharing your expertise.
  15. Benny Wollin

    Animator here

    Wasn't expecting such a thorough answer - thanks! I had to look up a few of those that I hadn't heard of. The 2D world especially I'm less familiar with, but I always think it's amazing to look at. Somehow it has an artistic directness that 3D lacks, maybe because it's inherently stylized.