Recent content by alanmartinpower

  1. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    Thanks for your words, I'm actually going to deactivate the gofundme and do a Kickstarter instead, there's just no rewards or anything to give with a gofundme and I'd like to give something in return. Now I am offering to show people a preview of what I have done so far for the upcoming...
  2. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    Yes I crowdfunded before and made a feature animation here - ; If no one wants to give me anything that's fine but saying I give up too easy while I still try hard it's something not nice to say. I did have...
  3. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    Now I've done crowdfunding before and have showed that I do keep my promises and work on what I said I do. If I were to just keep the money for myself and buy something else then I can never crowdfund again I'd be blacklisted.
  4. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    I keep saying to you I have looked for a very long time for a job and still look but in the meantime I'm doing this. And I have no idea it's like in the US but I live in Ireland a very different country and for anybody who supports me I will be grateful to them and will do something for them...
  5. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    Because I already looked this month and nothing is going.
  6. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    It's just not possible where I am.
  7. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    Possibly in Dublin but not where I'm living.
  8. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    The problem is jobs are hard to come by.
  9. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    And for those who pledge will get a free link to stream and watch my first animated feature, Deep Meaning on Vimeo On Demand
  10. alanmartinpower

    New PC to continue animations

    Hey everyone I'm a Blender user (animation/modelling programme), you can check all the work I've done on it (most of it anyway) on Well anyway I'll just say it I need funding for a new PC because my decade old one is not working and I cannot do any Blender-ing ...
  11. alanmartinpower

    Help Please!

    Thank you, and to let people know I just entered a contest to win up to €1500 for a short animated film and am shortlisted with three other people, there are three prizes altogether the lowest being €500 and the second place being €1000 so I have a 25% chance of winning one of them and if I do...
  12. alanmartinpower

    Composer for Free

    Hi there, I have this short film created a few years ago without any score if you want to practise on it. You can upload the final work to your channel (I'm changing the license of the video to share-alike, non-commercial) but you do whatever you like with the music.
  13. alanmartinpower

    Help Please!

    That's all OK sure when I do another campaign I'll post a preview of it here to gather criticisms to improve upon it. Thank you.
  14. alanmartinpower

    Help Please!

    All righty then I'll just get crackin' on some shorts and try to create a fan base, it will not be easy but eh... I'll try.
  15. alanmartinpower

    Help Please!

    OK no one do anything I'm refunding everyone because I'm deciding that making a feature is too much of a task with too little funding so I've decided to make a short instead. Now in future I will take all of your comments into consideration when doing another crowdfunding campaign. So basically...