Recent content by Ajtytus

  1. A

    Help plzzz

    huh... you guys r god... n don't worry if i'm gonna do this, I've to do something so thanks....
  2. A

    Help plzzz

    well for every movie we need a theme and the fact is that i can't settle on one, actually this is my first time so i've got no clue.... The instruction given to me was to make a film comprising of 5 shots, with a charecter limit of 2. well, my problem is that i can't think of any situation with...
  3. A

    hi there

    thanks.. well for every movie we need a theme and the fact is that i can't settle on one, actually this is gonna be my first time so i've got no clue.... as i said the instruction given to me was to make a film comprising of 5 shots, with a charecter limit of 2. well, my problem is that i can't...
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    hi there

    i am a student doing ba multimedia, n i am in 3rd sem we've started on videography and script writing, nw the xams are cumming n we've got projects to take a short film with only 5 shots containing 1 or 2 characters... i'm doomed n i can't think of any ideas.... could you guys help me out???
  5. A

    Advice on how to deal with actors

    well since they are your friends this would be much easier, tell'em how much this project means to you and if they aren't going to take it seriously then you'll have to let go and find someone else........