Recent content by 4tenpro

  1. 4

    inquiry letter for distribution

    We like to see something grab us in the first paragraph. The reality is there are so many of these to read, you need to have people that just review these and pass them on. If at the end of it we're left wondering what's going to happen next, we'll want to see more. Think of the ice berg, only...
  2. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    It's even more clear to me now how much ground we have to make up in the filmmaker, distributor relationship. If this company does one thing I want it to be that filmmakers feel good about us. Thanks for the good wishes, good lucks, and those of you that sent us your films--it means a lot...
  3. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    Here ya go: Martin: Tommy Sean doesn't have an imdb page, since he's a tech guy. But he does have a cool code training site, if you're into that sort of thing:
  4. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    All very kind of you to say, thank you.
  5. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    Can't wait to see it. Thanks.
  6. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    While I would agree with you, that is the typical case: This is why we give gross to every film maker. A split, no net, no expense reports, no "dodging" as you put it. I myself have gotten burned by a distro. promising backend net cash and never delivering. Our contracts spell it out very...
  7. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    I completely agree. We're actually working on that now, bios are already written it's just a matter of filling out those pages and placing them on the site. For the launch we wanted to make it about the company, but then have more about who's behind it. But I can give you a quick overview for...
  8. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    I think for the right film we would like to be involved any way we could. It's not a typical practice, but who wants to be typical.
  9. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    This is a difficult question to answer without any details. I would say that if your goal is to make a quick buck and move on, then we are not the right fit for you.
  10. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    Absolutely. We would love to see it.
  11. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    Sure: 1. We are not setup to do a large scale cinematic release. However, if it was appropriate, a limited release is not out of the question. 2. Home entertainment is more feasible, we have more control over that. I would say that is more of our wheel house than theatrical right now. 3. We...
  12. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    Thanks! I remember us talking before. I used to know of a great one, but that company moved. I would find a way to barter with a company that has that access. Shoot a 30 second spot for them--something simple, like an interview--in exchange for using their building and office at night. Most...
  13. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    I am sorry you think I'm being evasive. It was certainly not my intention. Marketing a film is like marketing any product, service or business. Sure, there are channels such as social, print, PR, digital, guerrilla etc. But how you use these channels really does depend on the film. As does the...
  14. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    Hey Ray, The films won't be playing on the site. It's not one of those deals. We're a distributor in the traditional sense of the word. We handle marketing, PR, packaging, placement, printing, sales etc. Createspace limits you to Amazon. While Amazon is important, it's not the only channel...
  15. 4

    New Distributor Seeking Films

    Aveek, Thanks for checking out the site. If you go the submit page, there is a list of the general things we're looking for. When you're a bit further along I think we could help, but at the moment we don't really offering much at the pre production phase--aside from advisement. I would be...