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call-for-entries Doc Filmmakers: Pitch a Family-inspired short to receive $10K production budget

Documentary Filmmakers: Pitch your Family-inspired short documentary to receive a
production budget.

We are looking for stories that incorporate the strength and resilience of a struggling family as they overcome obstacles with the support of others. Learn more and start brainstorming at http://bit.ly/reelfamilies

How it Works: Pitch a short documentary that highlights the strength and resilience of a struggling family as they overcome obstacles with the support of others. Obstacles could include but are not limited to, conditions like poverty, homelessness, racism, classism, involvement with the child welfare system, involvement with the courts system, etc. Woven into the story should be the individuals or communities that invested in the family and aided them in overcoming the obstacle. Families should not be seen as victims or perpetrators – they should be positioned as strong and resilient despite their struggles.

The pitches will be narrowed down to the top 6 selections. Interviews with the top 6 finalists will be held with Institute for Family and AudPop team. From these 6 interviews, up to 3 will be chosen as the greenlit pitches.

We will announce the three greenlit proposals on or around April 9.


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