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  1. M

    Okay, basically I have my movie complete and posted it on I am getting interested parties that possibly want to distribute my film. They are contacting me by email because of the Mandy website. Looks like some of them are legit in status, while a couple others based around Russia...
  2. M

    film festivals vs the distributor

    I'll have to do that, and hopefully find a distributor. Had to make some late changes to film/video. Hopefully this is the last stage of it. I had around 28 DVD's burned, but then there was a change in one my music artists, so I had to find a couple others and do some more editing. Now I'm...
  3. M

    Easiest mistakes to make

    Hopefully with our comments that GoldFist doesn't give up his attempt to make a film now :) good luck, it's all about learning, making some mistakes, and sometimes correcting them and sometimes not. marcel
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    Easiest mistakes to make

    Basically I had to wear all the hats in my film. I had a camera guy in the beginning but he quickly dropped out because he has his own low buddie to start working on. Eventually I did find another camera man, but he lasted only a couple days, and then we was off to another province, but I did...
  5. M

    Easiest mistakes to make

    That too. Music has to be well placed. m f
  6. M

    film festivals vs the distributor

    The interested parties would be people who run independent film channels and such, including mainstream television and/or theater mediums. I'm just glad I am getting to a final product. Editing sure can take some time, and then there's burning to DVD. marcel
  7. M

    film festivals vs the distributor

    Lets say that I get a distributor, and then my film/video happens to get chosen by a film festival. By chance there are interested parties wanting my film/video. Would they then have to go through by distributor? marcel
  8. M

    film festivals vs the distributor

    Any thoughts on this one? marcel
  9. M

    Easiest mistakes to make

    Don't use a lot of locations, think limited areas you can use or have access to. Really understand your camera angles from far shots to close ups, will a far shot lead into a close up and visa versa. Sound. Get an external mike, as stated before. Do you have a good script written, and what...
  10. M

    Cinematographer here,tired of pigf**k productions

    Jax, They have to research what they are doing first. Indie's should try and make a couple of short films first. This is where they will falter. If and indie needs a better perspective of how to move a film along they should acquire a comic book and look at the story panels inside them. Those...
  11. M

    AVI conversion to DVD assistance?

    Okay, I have a 83 minute video completed, and now I am having problems trying to convert it to a DVD Format. I've tried various programs to try and do this. I've tried "Windows Media Player, Pinnacle studio 9, and now I have converted my file to 'window movie player.' I am having problems...
  12. M

    film festivals vs the distributor

    My film, ' I Love That Effing Zippy,' has been sent to a couple of film festivals as a rough cut. They are the Sundance and Manitoba Aboriginal film festival. What I need to know, is it better to find a distributor or just enter film festivals and hope you'll get lucky with a presentation of...
  13. M

    rock and roll music

    Having some problems with my music person right now. My film is basically edited to a first rough cut, but I might have to change music artists. Anyone know of any websites where I can possibly get some free rock and roll music to use? thanks marcel
  14. M

    Confessions of an Indie Actor:

    Good for you for Narcissus. Whoops, edit time. Good for your Michael I meant. That's what some of my actors have to do :) Some have come and gone. My workload has been extreme, because I am the do everything person. I am mostly have been one man operation on my film. It's almost...
  15. M

    How to speak with a British Accent?

    Think as if you were one of the Beatles being interviewed, like Paul McCartney, and go from there. m f
  16. M

    Upgrade hard drive

    thanks for the offer CootDog, but I wouldn't have the slightest clue how'd you be able to edit my film from Chicago, while I'm in Edmonton, Alberta. Act II of my script is a very tricky edit, because one day I shot the mime mask and my voice. Another day I shot myself as my character talking to...
  17. M

    Upgrade hard drive

    I'm off to the computer shop to exchange my computer. It's putting me under so much stress because of money constraints. ***as for some of you that don't know, I had to give up credit cards due to an injury I sustained around 4 years ago. The led to not working at many times. I couldn't keep...
  18. M

    Wireless Camera Mic

    have you checked out 'Radio Shack?" They might have some lower priced lavs I believe. m f
  19. M

    Upgrade hard drive

    I gotta take the upgrade I mentioned. I know it's a bit old, but it's all I can afford. Thanks for the other suggestions on other upgrades, but my budget is very strict. All I want to do is get my footage I have shoot and have it edited by the Sundance deadline. I think my script to film has a...
  20. M

    Upgrade hard drive

    I can't afford to upgrade, but going to have to. I have feature film I want to edit before the last Sundance film festival deadline. The good thing about the Sundance I can under the Aboriginal section because I am part Native. Not saying my film will be excepted, because there are many others...