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  1. S

    Reaching out for Executive & Associate Producers.

    Hi Sweetie, Our campaign is still live and this is the list of awards for the Associate Producer pledge: IMDB Associate Producer Credit. Seawolf film Associate Producer Credit. VIP invitation for 2 to our crew wrap up party in London. VIP invitation for 2 to our London screening following...
  2. S

    Reaching out for Executive & Associate Producers.

    I posted in two relevant categories and I wasn't intending to post anymore, apologies if you think spamming is my intention but it's not. In this kind of campaign there is no point in spamming anyway, who would pledge if not inspired by the project?
  3. S

    Reaching out for Executive & Associate Producers.

    Spamming? I'm not trying to attract dead visits, this is a genuine opportunity for collaboration. You can support the campaign if you want but that's not the primary purpose of my post apparently.
  4. S

    Reaching out for Executive & Associate Producers.

    Hi all, nice to be on board! We’re a dedicated team of young filmmakers, producing Seawolf - a short, coming of age drama set in the UK midlands in the early 90s. We recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to top up our budget and we are currently offering a very limited...