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  1. M


    Hey, there's plenty of topics here about using music and royalty free songs... but what I am specifically interested in (since it perfectly fits our youtube content) is the channel NCS Their T&C conditions are pretty straight forward - free unlimited use as long as I credit the author in the...
  2. M

    watch Las Vegas (short video edit)

    Hey, so I've done this one a while back... still got some footage from different cities (especially LA) and will be doing the same kind of short edit. Wanted to hear some feedback first though, on what to improve, what to do differently / better.
  3. M

    multi-cam setup with 1 camera

    90% the answer to this will be no... but I'm curious anyway. Is there a way to have a setup that would seem as it was filmed with two cameras / different angles even with just one actual camera ? I tried to have the talents do a scene two times... but it's impossible to get the lips syncing...
  4. M

    breaking the 180 rule in a small room ?

    So I've got the following office scene.. I'd need to do an establishing shot from the door on the whole office, then medium / detail on the person sitting behind the desk, his coffee mug. Then a wide shot from the window side showing another person coming in. Then again a close up on the...
  5. M

    working with 50 fps footage

    Guys, would need some help on interpreting / editing footage.. Let's say I shoot in 50 fps. When I bring it into Premiere.. what difference would it make if I: - create a 50 fps timeline and just edit everything in 50 fps and export in 50 fps - edit in 50 fps but export in 25 fps as usual...
  6. M

    the real difference between full frame and m43 sensor

    So I've doe some research on this and from what I understand, the only difference I'd have using the micro 4/3 sensor is the difference in f-stop. Thus, I'd never be able to get a really shallow depth of field and it's not ideal for low-light situations.. As even with a f 1.8 lens lets say...
  7. M

    focus tips for 2 moving subjects

    I had to shoot a conference, where two speakers were speaking. Sony a6000. I've used the continuous autofocus and wide focus field + face recognition. It was relatively ok, but not perfect. Sometimes, the focus picked the guy that wasn't speaking.. and since I was shooting with a relatively...
  8. M

    face zoom-in / close-up during interview

    Hey guys, this is a very common thing, however I was thinking how I'd go about achieving this.. Would I need to just stop the talent from talking, zoom in and let him continue ? I am sure there is a better way... Good example: