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  1. M

    Editing in lower quality, exporting in full HD

    Thanks for the answers! I will try what Zensteve said and replace my hQ footqge for lower Q footage and lowering the playback quality. Don't have time till the day after tomorrow though, I' ll let you know if it worked :)
  2. M

    Editing in lower quality, exporting in full HD

    Hello, I record my footage in full HD and extension .mov. When I'm editing in Premiere Pro cs4, it goes very slow. I can never just watch a couple of seconds of footage I just edited. I just move with the cursor through it and slowly look at the images that come up. It definately doesn't "play"...
  3. M

    Good Tutorial Websites

    Yes, you can better search for CHANNELS on youtube , if you're not looking for specific info. As I already said, Indymogul and FilmRiot are my favorits.
  4. M

    Good Tutorial Websites

    I learned like 80 % I know about film, gear & editing through youtube. It is amazing. How can you not love it? Just check out the channels: Indymogul, Film Riot an Knoptop! And if you ever ask yourself something about a computer program--> typ it in the search bar and BAM !: tutorials all over...
  5. M

    Background change

    Thanks. I'm really somewhere with these replies. It's just an idea, but i'm afraid i'm not there yet with my film-knowledge. But i'm gonna keep it in mind and work on it... maybe over a couple of months, years... :)
  6. M

    watch Short Film of my campus

    It brings you in a nice mood! But I don't really see much of the campus and I thought that was what you were going for. Nice colour correction. Also don't really get the shots like those at 0:04 and 0:27.
  7. M

    What's the secret to getting these kind of shots?

    I probably know less about cameras than about astronomy.I'm not an astronomist either, but I can tell you that you need to be on DESOLATED places to see lots of stars. Look at the horizon on your first picture on Flickr: all city lights! It's hard to estimate the light pollution if you don't see...
  8. M

    Background change

    Hello people of the internet! I have this idea for a shot. It goes like this: some guy is outside, sitting. He is filmed from the front in a slight angle in a medium shot; you see his face and a bit below his shoulders (and some of the background, of course: the park). Then the camera turns in...
  9. M

    Someone already made it

    Maybe some aspects are the same, but it can't be that the whole film is the same! I think this is probably a last-minute-stress-panic thing. Relax and go for it
  10. M

    Permission to film "dangerous" scenes?

    I've never been in New York so I don't know the mentallity nor the city. But if you are filming the scene with a giant camera and mic and a crew standing and looking by, the people who pass will know it is for film. You can even put up a sign that says something like it's just for a film, people...
  11. M

    Introduce me to the basics

    I advise you to first make and edit some little, nice and/or funny video's and put them on youtube all by yourself before you start working with other people..
  12. M

    Introduce me to the basics

    Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the most used editing programs. (I use it). It is good for beginners, but you can also learn the hidden tips and tricks with it when you get more experience. You can do everything you want to do with it as a non-professional. I'm pretty sure you can use it for PC...
  13. M

    watch Portfolio Advice?

    Could you tell me how you learned all of this? From tutorials on the internet, a club, at your school? The best of luck Muzikath, Self tought, Amateur
  14. M

    watch Portfolio Advice?

    I'ld prefer the music video to send in. It was the first of the two I watched and it kinda wowed me. I didn't watched the short film all the way through (due to lack of time). The short film was also very nice and I think you're really good with music in it. As you have to make a choice...
  15. M

    watch Shit Happens - a short movie

    Nice :)
  16. M

    Getting expierience on actual sets

    I want to do exactly the same thing! But how do you find out in which month some movie will be shot and if it's in your area and what kind of movie? Here in Belgium, that is all top secret and then suddenly a film comes out. Sometimes you can read an interview or a newsflash about a film that...
  17. M

    International (beginner) contests and festivals

    Thanks for the answers! I'm really considering it. I'm going to look up what local there are here.
  18. M

    International (beginner) contests and festivals

    I wondered if that is mostly true. I hesitate to participate in local events, because in that case, people I know will critisise me and it won't be as objective as more distant events. At the moment nobody really knows I'm into filmmaking...
  19. M

    International (beginner) contests and festivals

    Hello everybody, I'ld like to have an idea of international short film, video, sketch,... contests or festivals out there. I want to get my productions out there, but I want to be appreciated for my level, in my niveau. I'm an amateur and I can`t compete with professionals or even filmschool...