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  1. P

    Photos of Your Gear, Rigs, Setups, Etc.

    Thanks bru!
  2. P

    Photos of Your Gear, Rigs, Setups, Etc.

    One of the things i DOP'ed and operated on the Russian Arm ;)
  3. P

    Photos of Your Gear, Rigs, Setups, Etc.

    Mighty Canon 1200mm.. only a handful of these in existence from what i know.
  4. P

    Photos of Your Gear, Rigs, Setups, Etc.

    Might as well.. :) My EPIC Dragon Setup with Cooke 18-100:
  5. P

    Filming in the woods at night

    I do agree with you on your point that different lights give different looks, but there is no real point to using a 2.5K HMI, if you can get away with a 1.2K or even 575 by just upping your ISO a bit and not loosing on quality as these sensors are so god damn sensitive. It all depends on what...
  6. P

    Photos of Your Gear, Rigs, Setups, Etc.

    That first one looks cool, but you've got me envious with that Aaton Penelope..
  7. P

    $10,000 budget for complete set of shooting equipment

    I agree with most of your points. A Sony FS100 can be had used for the same price. But yes, a Blackmagic Camera and 16mm lenses, or a MFT Blackmagic with MFT lenses could work too! I think he will shoot a lot in front of a white background, but also a few cutaways of the products (Nutritional...
  8. P

    Filming in the woods at night

    What camera are you shooting? As NickysFX asked. There's a big difference in lighting depending on how sensitive your sensor is and how high you can push your ISO? Shooting C300? You don't need HMI's. Crank the ISO and use high powered LED's or Tungsten lights gelled with CTB! No need for a...
  9. P

    $10,000 budget for complete set of shooting equipment

    I'm going to keep out of the audio discussion. Other people like Alcove are more qualified, but I think I can help you a lot on the visual/camera aspect. #6) Yes, the Blackmagic looks better when you resize 2K down to 1080 cause you're squeezing all those pixels into a smaller output format...
  10. P

    $10,000 budget for complete set of shooting equipment

    I hope you don't mind me chipping in here. I am going off your statement that you'll mostly be shooting interviews/videos with loads of talking about nutrition products (Funnily enough, I've shot similar stuff and got a job coming up, but with a lot higher budget, so I am hiring a sound guy)...
  11. P

    Photos of Your Gear, Rigs, Setups, Etc.

    RED EPIC - China shoot Motion Control Setup for Music Festival in Belgium Sony F55 with Arri Alura for a camera test I did for a project later this year My new Kessler Pocket Jib. I replaced the Sachtler ACE head with a new Cine 7+7 head a week ago or so
  12. P

    Are their any good color filters for DSLR lenses?

    Buy a Mattebox, get some 4x5.65 Schneider Filters. There are tons of filters available, you just have to research. Schneider Sapphire Blue offer a cold indigo blue look, Storm Blue filters add a little gray and green to blue tones to give a 'stormy' look... Schneider Coral Filters warm overcast...
  13. P

    watch The "Film" Look - some test footage

    The stupid H4n didn't want to recognise the SD card, so I couldn't record any audio when I shot it. I didn't put a mic on the FS100 so I did not record any sound at all. Everything you hear, except for the car sound is built from the sound library within FCP X. Most of it is just sound effects...
  14. P

    watch The "Film" Look - some test footage

    I've been super busy with corporate work over the last few months (Not complaining :) ), so it felt great to get an hour in the evening from like 6-7pm to film some footage with my brother and his awesome Chevrolet Impala to just test out a new plugin I bought for FCP X which is called Film...
  15. P

    Better to not use a flat color profile in this case?

    Here's my take on it: Camera sensors aren't made to perform at their peak on profiles like CineStyle or flat dialled in profiles. I shoot my FS100 on standard picture profile, just because it gives me the best results in my opinion. I'd say shoot standard, especially if you wanna get that look...
  16. P

    Colorist needed!

    How about instead of ungraded footage, people post reels? Just a suggestion, that's how stuff normally works! P
  17. P

    The cinematography of Drive

    In my opinion, it's not the rig that makes his handheld shots so good. Yes, it plays a part in the whole formula, but if you shoot with a 35mm film camera or Arri Alexa for example on the shoulder, you'll get an entirely different result than a T2i, even on a shoulder rig. Weight is a good...
  18. P

    FCPX files on hardrive - Urgent

    Close FCP X, eject your hard-drive, power down your computer. It could use a rest. It'll be faster when you restart it anyways. Connect your external drive again and it'll pop up in FCP X again. I've been doing it the whole time, no problem!
  19. P

    The future of Timelapse?

    That's what I mean. Integration in films and TV shows, but I just hope we'll move away from timelapse only films. I am guilty of it myself :)
  20. P

    The future of Timelapse?

    I feel that DSLR timelapse is here to stay. Just not in the form that it is in right now. It's heavily over-saturated right now and everyone and their grandmother is doing it. DSLR's still offer timelapses that normal video cameras can't do! I think we'll see less timelapse films in the future...