Search results

  1. AdamG


    Just wanted to throw out that I'm pumped about Phillip Seymour Hoffman finally getting his due from the Academy. He has had tons of great performances in fims such as Happiness, Love Liza, Magnolia, Boogie Nights etc... Glad to see him win for an incredible performance in Capote. I was also...
  2. AdamG

    External Audio Recording

    Finished shooting a feature on the DVX using a ME66 and some lav's for audio. We ran directly into the camera and I was less that pleased with the results. Very difficult to dial in the levels where they are strong but not too hot where they would constantly peak. For our next project we have...
  3. AdamG

    Whitewashed Screening Recap

    Well, we had our screening of Whitewashed on Saturday night and for the most part all went well. We had about 725 people come out and aside from a few technical errors, everything went smoothly. Here are a few pics. The Theater Marquee. The other side was mis-spelled. Go figure. Thats...
  4. AdamG

    FCP Image Stabalizer

    Anyone familiar with this plug-in? I have a few shots that came out a tad more shaky than I am comfortable with (knew I should have bought that $2500 glidecam) and I am wanting to salvage them and make them useable. Back when I was using Premiere Pro, I used their stabalizer plugin and it worked...
  5. AdamG

    Whitewashed Indie Slate Article

    Just got word that our article will be featured in Issue #42 in Indie Slate Magazine's Reel Life Section, which will be out in October 2005. Here's the article if anyone is interested...
  6. AdamG


    Just got confirmation on the theater for our premire. That only took about 4 months. Geez. We'll be showing Whitewashed at The Lakewood Theatre here in Dallas on September 10th, 2005. Now, does anyone know about 700 people who would want to come see a free movie? :rolleyes: This is a...
  7. AdamG

    Movie Poster Printing

    Anyone have a good contact for printing movie posters? Everything I find here in Dallas is ridiculously expensive and not even close to reasonable. I'm looking for full-size, 27"x40" printing on poster paper. I hjave one contact that can print them, but only at 24"x40" size. Here's the poster...
  8. AdamG

    Ending Credits

    You guys got any tips for making the ending credits? I'm in the midst of learning my way around Motion 2, and I know that there has got the be an easier way than the one I am attempting. I've been searching around, but seem to be coming up empty. Any help is appreciated. Adam