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  1. Stewy

    Will Hollywood read my Script?

    I just finished a 95 page horror script and was wondering where I could send it. Should I get an agent? I live in Japan but the screenplay is based in LA I could change the script and base it in Japan but I don’t really have the time to make a movie I rather just write them. What do you...
  2. Stewy

    what is the best wireless dual channel mics

    my budget for these mics will be around 500.00 to 1,500.00 don't know yet how much I want to spend just want to askes some people with experience in dealing with wireless mics. I been looking at Sennheiser and the Audio-Technica ATW-1821 Dual Wireless Microphone System. To explain more I...
  3. Stewy

    errors omissions insurance anybody have experience in this

    errors omissions insurance I know what it is but this insurance is more than my budget. What if I don't get it and sell it VOD ? Does anybody have experience in Dealing with distribution ?
  4. Stewy

    I had a question about Black and White Image quality

    I will be filming a movie black and white or color have not decided yet. My question is if I film it in color and later diecid that I want it in black and white,then take the color/saturation out in post will the image quality be not as good as if I just filmed it in black and white. I will be...
  5. Stewy

    Can someone clear this up for me about HD

    When me and my friends get together, a topic always comes up about Movies and the Quality of HD to downloading a HD film on torrent. I personally don’t download off torrent because I’m a filmmaker but I do go to my friends house and sometimes he throws a movie on his PS3 with a USB that has a...
  6. Stewy

    How much should I pay actors for a low budget film for like a week shoot?

    I know you get what you pay for but I was just wondering what is reasonable with out offending anybody. My budget will be around 5,000.00 to 6,000.00 The crew will be working for free accept for the soundman and I will be feeding them to. I know of some Actors and extras and Models but maybe...
  7. Stewy

    Can someone tell me about sound on a low budget movie?

    I don’t want to make the mistake of a lot of low budget filmmakers. For example there is a scene in a kitchen and their voice Echo’s What’s that from? Is it because the Mic is not close enough or its not the right kind of Mic? If you use wireless Mics on the Actors and add the room tone...
  8. Stewy

    Can someone tell me how to use the site Bugscore or Treverimarket

    There is this new site that I just happen to see called bugscore or treverimarket and was wondering how filmmakers are using these sites is it a kind of crowdfunding or do they just look for someone that is interested in your movie. I looked at the site and the trailer but still Im confused how...
  9. Stewy

    watch What do you think of my Trailer? Tokyo Life

    Hello, Im a filmmaker that lives in Tokyo and would like to chat with other like minded Filmmakers
  10. Stewy

    My First Movie ? Please tell me about the movie industry

    I am new to this site and I’m about to make my first movie I’m a part of a lot of online production community’s like facebook and stuff, A lot of people on these sites are cinematographers talking about cameras what camera you should be using RED/Black Magic or what ever I could care less...
  11. Stewy

    Filmmaker new to the site want to talk

    My name is Stewy I would like to meet other filmmakers and talk about stuff I just maid a Doc tell me what you think of the trailer