Search results

  1. kgasser2

    FCE question.

    I tried searching for this but couldnt find it. I'm new to fce so I was just editing some junk footage together as a music video to try and learn my way around it. Anyway.. I wanted to get like a flashing effect. The only way I know how to do this is cut the clip down to 1 or 2 hundreds of a...
  2. kgasser2

    Film studies?

    Recently I have been considering going to a school for film studies instead of going to an actual film school. I live in Ohio and would like to stay in the state. I've done a little research and it seems that Ohio State University and Bowling Green State University are the only schools in Ohio...
  3. kgasser2

    Film title

    Just a quick question-- Would it be a bad decision to use the word 'Broken' as the title for an upcoming short film of mine? It seems like the perfect fit for my movie (without seeming cliche) I think it would work well with the images on screen, as I was going to fade from title to opening...
  4. kgasser2

    loglines wtf

    I don't understand the fascination with loglines, or why everyone finds it so important. I know that in writing screenplays it is important to know your theme or 'message' (if you want to call it that) or the basic transformation the characters are making, but from what I can tell (which isnt...
  5. kgasser2

    Screenwriting Degree?

    So I've been interested in filmmaking for the last few years, but never had any specific plans for a career. I was always hoping I could read enough, watch enough, write enough, and learn enough about film in order to make my own picture that could gain attention at a festival and find a career...
  6. kgasser2

    BEST music video EVER best music video ever????
  7. kgasser2

    my first 'real' short film

    i put this into the pre production section because that is where i am at in the stages of this project, although the discussion may not be entirely about pre production per se. Firstly, i think everyone would be in a better position to give appropriate feedback if you were to read the script...
  8. kgasser2

    life sucks-help

    I know everyone says this at times but i really feel like my life sucks horribly and its so hard to change. I've never known what it is i wanted to do with my life until recently i finally decided i want to be a filmmaker. its always been something i was very interested in but i never decided to...
  9. kgasser2

    where to buy t2i online?

    I'm wanting to order this camera in the next week, but I can't find a good source for online purchase. It has been 'temporarily unavailable' on BH photo for a a while, it is out of stock on Crutchfield, all the good deals on Amazon are from new sellers (which I don't feel very comfortable with...
  10. kgasser2

    short screenplay

    I've written a first draft for a short screenplay to be produced by myself and friends. I let a friend read it, someone who knows a bit about screenwriting, and he didn't have much criticism. I know it can't be perfect, so i'd like to let a few other people read it and give a little feedback...
  11. kgasser2

    digital harinezumi 2

    does anyone here know anything about this little cam? i just found out about it today, its a tiny digital camera that takes stills and video, the picture is similar to lomography stills like from the holga and diana cameras. some of the video samples look pretty reminiscent of 8mm, which, for...
  12. kgasser2

    Filmmaking books

    I wasnt sure where to post this question, so i hope this is okay. I don't ever want to go to school again, but I am very interested in film and I want to learn as much as possible. I have netflix, and damn do i use it! I try to watch as many great films as possible (I absolutely am in love with...
  13. kgasser2

    Sound Equiptment Question

    I plan on purchasing a dslr for video, in which case i will be using a seperate audio recorder and boom mic. i would like some opinions on products, so i have a place to start in my own research. what do some of you think is the best audio set up i can get for $1000, $2000, $3000? which would...
  14. kgasser2

    NEW Canon T2i

    I'm not sure when this was announced but I just read that Canon is coming out with the Rebel T2i. I have been wanting the 7d so bad but its out of my range, I was going to settle on the t1i but it lacks some features, but now I will be waitin for the t2i which has the same 18mp sensor as 7d...
  15. kgasser2

    "adapting" a novel

    I had some questions about using ideas from a book. Obviously, if I wanted to do a direct interpretation I would have to buy film rights. But what if I made a story inspired by, or loosely based around the original story? Would I have to buy rights or provide credit to the author? Where do you...
  16. kgasser2


    I'm looking for a tripod to pair with my canon t1i (that i use for both photography and video). What are the real differences between a $12 tripod and a$1200 tripod? What kind of features should i be looking for?
  17. kgasser2


    I'm working on a character right now.. In the beginning of the story he is pretty much the epitomy, a complete cliche, of what is the most boring and average american life. He is a 20 something white male in Ohio who works as a mail man. So my question to you is.. What are your ideas of boring...
  18. kgasser2

    watch Health-Courtship Music Video!

    not exactly. just a little vid i put together when i was bored. nothing offical check it out tho, i dig it. let me know what you think ps. its only 56 seconds long and it's worth your time i promise!
  19. kgasser2

    I need a DSLR

    I need a DSLR because I'm going to be majoring in photography this year. But I would like one that records good video as well (instead of dropping a nother few grand on a camcorder. Also, I like the idea of being able to easily use different lenses.) So I would just like some suggestions on...
  20. kgasser2


    I want to start writing a screenplay. I have a story and a lot of ideas to go with it. It is going to be based in many different small towns. I want them all to be real places, preferably very old small towns. They don't necessarily need to be very important places, but ones that have a...