Save Point Artboard

SP LOGO 1.png

Rather than continually make new posts showing various project art, I'll make this one page and just update it. I wasn't sure where to put this, so if moderators want to move it somewhere, great!

This is the Save Point concept art board. It's a place where you can see the concept art we've created, licensed, modified, or hybrided for Save Point. It's real purpose is to help interested people get a feel for the look and scope of our universe. I'll add these regularly as the project expands, so people can watch the fictional world grow in real time. To clarify something, if you see art here, we have created it or paid for the liscense, or a mix. No random web clippings here, only legit project assets.

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Zor plexicon.png
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  • Comp 1 (0;00;00;00)_7.jpg
    Comp 1 (0;00;00;00)_7.jpg
    40.5 KB · Views: 148
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