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  1. D


    I joined here a while back but am not sure if I introduced myself. I am an actress (non-union) and a writer. My education is in journalism and creative writing, and my experiences in news, advertising, PR, tech, and in the past year, screenwriting. I am working on a number of projects -...
  2. D

    Maintaining momentum (and interest) in indie work

    Good news - one of our wayward crewmembers found his way back to my messages and confirmed he will be there. However, our lead actor just announced that after the first episode, he is no longer able to shoot on weekends - which is the only time everyone else is available. He was one of the most...
  3. D

    Maintaining momentum (and interest) in indie work

    Thank you for your input. I really appreciate you being straight with me. We're going ahead with the shoot this weekend, and making do with what we have. It's not ideal by any means, but I want to at least try. The actors have committed their time and effort, and I want to at least give them...
  4. D

    Maintaining momentum (and interest) in indie work

    I know this. I also know that they are trying to make a name for themselves as well. In my area, the industry is very insular - everyone knows everyone. It's just that these people who have attended rehearsal, read throughs, and meetings, whose schedules we worked around, proactively offered...
  5. D

    Maintaining momentum (and interest) in indie work

    I am part of a very independent (no budget) episodic production that is slated to begin filming shortly. We have been in pre-production for a few months, as every person participating is doing this in exchange for the experience and credit. I am one of two "creators", the writer, and part of the...
  6. D


    Hello, I have visited here a few times and posted maybe once or twice. I am an actress (educated and experienced) as well as a (screen)writer. Although I am newish to writing scripts, I majored in writing in college, have experience writing fiction, short stories, news, PR, advertising copy and...
  7. D

    Beginner lighting needs

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge with me. I know that our budget is an obstacle, but we hope to upgrade as time goes on. We have most of the other pieces of the puzzle in place, and lighting is the one area where we have nothing. We are hoping to borrow/barter with...
  8. D

    Beginner lighting needs

    I couldn't find what I was looking for when searching the forums, so please bear with me We are beginner film makers will be shooting short films and webisodes, most of which will be interior shots. We have a variety of possible shoot locations, each having different existing light sources...