Recent content by welsh_gambit

  1. welsh_gambit


    Has anyone actually heard back from the OP? I dropped them an email just wondering if anyone else has too?
  2. welsh_gambit

    How to finance a film?

    Hey dude, well, you have a few options in my opinion. You can go the crowd funding route (kickstarter/indiegogo), you could try approaching local businesses see if they are willing to help out, set up a table & bucket in a mall or something and try and sell the film to strangers, alternatively...
  3. welsh_gambit

    Facebook Ads

    is that on Firefox? I FB mostly on my phone so looks like I'm stuck with it for now
  4. welsh_gambit

    Facebook Ads

    I also think it sucks that you're unable to even message 'fans' of your page. Facebook is annoying the hell out me lately. Most of the posts from my movies page get lost on people's timelines as facebook can't decide if it wants to show people the most recent post, the most popular post or here...
  5. welsh_gambit

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    A bit of a boring reply this but Godzilla (2014) and I'd give it a biased 7/10. Growing up my grandparents used to let me watch Godzilla on TV so I love Godzilla! This ticked most if the boxes for me but I still left the cinema thinking there needed to be something more...don't know what. Was...
  6. welsh_gambit

    Facebook Ads

    Yeah, it all seems a little odd but then I guess that's facebook in general. I'm thinking of experimenting with either twitter ads or Adsense for the remainder of the campaign. Will post the updates as I get them and there's 30 days left on the campaign so it should give us more detailed results...
  7. welsh_gambit

    Facebook Ads

    Dready, you're right there! I'm sure the last time I checked I could send someone a message from the actual page. sadly it seems that this had been removed (if it was ever there) so, for me anyway, I can't message someone directly off my page. sfoster - I sent you a like if you want to try it...
  8. welsh_gambit

    Facebook Ads

    I'm beginning to think this too. I've sent a message to last 30 people to like to page basically asking what they would do to improve it etc. See if any actually respond. It'll also be interesting to see how many are still there in a month or two.
  9. welsh_gambit

    New film distribution company

    hey guys, is it just these 2 platforms you concerntrate on or are you able to offer other platforms for VOD? what about offline options such as DVD or theatrical?
  10. welsh_gambit

    Facebook Ads

    hey everyone, just thought I'd post this for anyone who would be interested I ran 3 different facebook ad campaigns for my kickstarter/movie and here is a rough break down on what went on: - 1) Facebook page likes - 1 month ad - 113 new page likes - reach 3, 282 - cost $30 2)Website clicks...
  11. welsh_gambit

    Help the gingers destroy humanity (Kickstarter)

    No problem! I give this advise free digitally, however for a £5 pledge you can have it written on toilet paper and sent to you in the post :D
  12. welsh_gambit

    Help the gingers destroy humanity (Kickstarter)

    note to anyone thinking of starting a kickstarter campaign. Try to avoid eating adventurous food while trying to work 50 hours in the day job and promote your campaign!! gut ache and days spend on the loo will be your reward :(
  13. welsh_gambit

    watch Attack of the Gingers

    hi guys, heres a link to the kickstarter
  14. welsh_gambit

    Help the gingers destroy humanity (Kickstarter)

    Hi everyone, I'm working on a fantastic animated movie and we currently looking for help on kickstarter. Neb Wars: Attack of the Gingers is an animated, science fiction, comedy in which a race of evil ginger aliens...
  15. welsh_gambit

    watch Attack of the Gingers

    here are the 2 tests we did for our kickstarter video Funny you should comment on this thread as we've just launched a kickstarter for the movie