Recent content by Preston Hashagen

  1. Preston Hashagen

    watch "Ingeniuses" Misleading trailer: 1

    Hey guys, this is the misleading trailer to my upcoming comedy short film, "Ingeniuses". Hope you guys enjoy!
  2. Preston Hashagen


    I understand it will get pricey but I plan to was into it and not dive into an actual short film or anything until I've worked up my talent with it but I love the look and style you can get as well as the community. You guys are a great example of that. It's easy for me to get answers and such...
  3. Preston Hashagen


    Excellent, so there would be versatility to an extent with one camera? All comes down to type of film and development process? Sorry for all the questions but I am eager to learn.
  4. Preston Hashagen


    I saw some other footage tests for the canon scoopic and they looked good while others had a lot of lines and blotches so I assume that came down to film type and such because a couple tests I saw looked wonderful. I'm only worried about not having a range to shoot with. I'd want some things to...
  5. Preston Hashagen


    What I'm looking for may be digitally corrected film which I still think has a unique look. For instance I think the hateful 8 looked amazing and I love Nolans films who is an avid film advocate. I also love the look of saving private Ryan which is very grainy and such. The 8mm footage tests I...
  6. Preston Hashagen

    watch My first short films

    I have a few I saved to post on our Facebook for promotional stuff but I want to get more done with the film before posting those.
  7. Preston Hashagen


    Excellent, you guys have been very helpful. Do you have any suggestions for 16mm cameras to look into or would it be best to just try starting out with 8mm? And also a lot of test videos I can find on YouTube look very old school so is this due to the type of film used or just the camera?
  8. Preston Hashagen

    watch My first short films

    Thanks for the comments. Home of the brave was my first short and in the city I live In people make it very difficult to shoot with them around, for instance the other day I was filming and these middle aged people stopped in the middle of the road to scream random curse words which ruined the...
  9. Preston Hashagen


    Excellent, which type of film is more preferred for the modern look? 8 or 16mm? And before I've looked up 8 and 16's but they mostly looked like still cameras or very old models that didn't seem to have interchangeable lenses. I've shot shorts on dslr but want to try the other route.
  10. Preston Hashagen


    I've been watching a lot of movies lately and following a lot of directors who love shooting on film and I also really love it's look. I've tried finding video cameras that shoot on film but can't seem to find any. I'm new to this but so far it just seems like bigger productions can pull it off...
  11. Preston Hashagen

    watch Tower of Silence - Indie Fantasy Film Trailer

    Looks pretty cool. I Like the actual look of everything. Very crisp and colorful.
  12. Preston Hashagen

    watch New "One Shot" Music Video

    I like how the hipster main character drank pabts lol but on a more serious note, the music reminded me of being enthe horizons second album and the video fit pretty well. I loved how it was shot. The visual aspect of it was very cool and the acting seemed very convincing. I'm sure the band was...
  13. Preston Hashagen

    watch Night - Horror Short Film

    Good job. I'd have to agree about the cartoony eyes but overall a good job. If you have after effects, look into some tutorials and such to up your fx game. Once you get a helping hand and get get off tripod shots your films will look even better. Handheld and horror go together well as long as...
  14. Preston Hashagen

    watch My 2nd short film

    Great job. Liked the tension build up and the passing of time. Only complaint was already stated with it seeming like it would be night time but when he gets out of the car it's daytime, other than that, very well done.
  15. Preston Hashagen

    watch My first short films

    Hey guys, I'm looking to get feedback on my first two short films. So far they've gotten pretty good responses but theres plenty for me to improve on, I'm sure. I appreciate compliments as well as criticism but please keep the criticism constructive...I'm fragile. Not really though, say what you...